Yes we are all still alive, Harold Camping. You were wrong in 1994, and you are wrong again in 2011.
I should've studied Sociology, because people truly amaze me. The way we live, love, hate, grow, be. So many believers left their lives, and gave up their earthly possesions to be with their familes, and warn the world of the Rapture for May 21, 2011. Were they crazy, right, or on to something? I don't and won't ever believe someone who has the exact date and time of the end of the world. We don't know when that will happen, or if it will happen during our lifetime. Only our Creator knows when our time is up. Even if you don't believe in God, or some other form of creator, you can't believe someone who knows exactly when the end is here. Especially some 89 year old. But as for the believers, we shouldn't call them crazy. Never call someone crazy for believing in something that you don't agree with, or can't find reason to believe in. And I don't think it's so bad for those people to give away their possesions to join their family and prepare for the end. Maybe preparing for the end, was a bit of a stretch, though. But people get too caught up in what they own, or what they want to own. We see people throw money away on things they don't need (a Walmart watch will tick and tock the same way as a Rolex), or commit a crime for something they certainly don't need (is it worth it to rob a bank or car jack someone?). When all the money is spent, and you're surrounded with items that can't talk back to you (or at least carry on a real conversation), you'll be alone. I'm not saying everyone should just live and go about life with just the clothes on their backs, but it's the excessiveness of the possesions that has my mind racing. Those believers were on to something when they wanted to spend the last months on earth with their loved ones. You can still love your friends and family without a 50'' HD flat screen.
Also, they were convinced that the end was near. Camping had something in his voice that captured these people's attention, and led them to believe their time in the living was over. Sometimes people have nothing at all, no hope, nothing to believe in. And when Camping predicted the end of the world was on May 21, 2011, they had something to believe in. Though it was a handful of people, Harold Camping had followers hanging on to his every word. So did Charles Manson, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Adolph Hitler, Idi Amin, and the list goes on. Now to us outsiders, we, for the life of us, can not understand why these people had so many followers when they had outstanding (not the good kind) of ideals. Same with Camping. No he did not tell his followers to murder people or commit adultry or any other type of sin. He simply had the idea that the world would come to an end, and people listened. It was the voice of persusian for these men, whether good or bad. I wouldn't go so far as to say they were brainwashed. I think brainwashing is even more of a stretch, at least with Camping. Camping's believers did no wrong in warning us. They didn't kidnap us, strapped us to a chair and made us repent and prepare for the end. They simple opened their mouths, and told us that the end was near. They handed out pamphlets, held signs, even had billboards. Were they annoying? Sure. Right? Apparently not. First Amendment? Yes, but that's another issue. There's a man who parks in a empty lot a few days a week with a sign that says "Heaven or Hell?", and he shouts his rantings through a bullhorn. Though he's yelling through a bullhorn, I can never make out what he's saying. Maybe my ears and heart won't let it. But he has a right to sit there and tell people what he thinks will get us into Heaven or hell. Sometimes I want to pull up to him and have a civil conversation and hear him out. Everyone should be heard, no matter how outlandish we believe they are.
Well 6 o'clock May 21, 2011 came and went without a glitch. Who knows, maybe the end will be on May 21. It can be anytime. But when I hear people giving their reasons that the end is near, I do agree with some of the things that is convincing. Earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes, war, diseases. Yes, it seems like they have all gotten worse within the past 10 years, but I can't help but to think of the Black Plague. It wiped out 30-60% of Europe's population in over 2 years. If that was now, I would believe that the end is near. Though with the help of science and medicine (and of course God), people can live a lot longer with their life threatening diseases and ailments. Whatever the case may be, we should live life like there is no tomorrow, responsibly of course. For believers and non believers of Harold Camping, maybe it was a sign that we should all get right and start acting like human beings. Respectful, compassionate, caring, loving. Not filled with hate, greed, and envy. Life's too short carry a chip on the shoulder and arms folded across our chest with a scowl upon our faces. Hug someone, and actually take the time to feel their embrace. Just be good :)
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