I didn't write last night because I spent 2-3 hours preparing for an interview which I had earlier this afternoon. But more on that later.
Yesterday was a great day. Elliot, Jeff and I did nothing. We went nowhere, and it was so nice. Yesterday morning, Jeff called to check up on us then asked if we were going anywhere. I told him no then expected him to complain since he doesn't like to just sit in the house. He just said okay, and we ended our conversation. Once I was in his driveway to pick him up, he was dressed in all black. Black shirt, black sweatpants, and black flip flops with newly wet hair. I thought to myself, "Yeah, we're not going anywhere." I relayed my thought to Jeff, and jokingly he said "Sorry I look like Igor." He didn't look bad, it just caught me off guard. Besides, he looks absolutely goregous with wet hair. I couldn't knock him on the sweatpants either. Sweatpants became my best friend during my pregnancy, and we still remain tight to this day. So I was in sweats, and so was Elliot. We were a sweatpants family.
All day we did nothing, just enjoying each other while the city was showered on and off through out the day. Also, my dad my chili. As my mom would say, "This is a good day to be in bed with your electric blanket on, the tv on, and a big 'ol bowl of chili." It was a good day. The other night I was searching on craigslist for a job, and I found one that might have interested Jeff. So I told him after we had settled in our comfy pants, and he called up there, and was told he could come in to fill out an application. Hours of mindless tv, fighting Elliot to sleep, and watching him play on his Step & Play Piano later, I had gotten a call from a marketing firm wanting me to come in for a interview. I had apply to many different places, and at times forgetting exactly where I sent my resume, but this place did not sound familar. The girl I spoke to told me that the firm found my resume on careerbuilder, hence the phone call. All the while I tried to remember if I had apply to this place, she was telling me exactly what they do there. I told her I was interested in coming in, and after we spoke, she sent an email with more information.
This firm had a facebook page, twitter, linkedin, and their own website. I decided to do some sluething, since it was also a sales firm. Jeff said he doesn't think I'd like sales, and would understand if I decided to back out at the last minute. I was neither excited nor unfazed. I just didn't want to put all of my eggs into one basket, and start day dreaming about a career that seems to have potential. In my research, I found that traveling is an aspect of this company. On facebook, I saw pictures of employees in Puerto Rico, statuses about Knoxville, and Miami. I still controlled my thoughts and emotions. I didn't think they'd want to hire me, but I decided to prepare myself anyways. I jotted down my strengths, weaknesses, goals, and even salary expectations. Still not thinking that anything could come of this, I went to sleep around 2am.
This morning, I got ready a little bit earlier than usual. We picked up Jeff so he could fill out an applictation (which turned out to be a lumber company). A little of time to kill, we decided to go to Meijer until it was almost time for me to head out. I grabbed some food, and dropped my boys off at Jeff's house. I had probably a 30-35 minute drive, so I ate first, sung along with the radio, then tested myself on my potential responses. The office wasn't hard to find, thankfully. So having a couple of mintues to spare, I searched my purse for some type of breath freshener. I only found two puffs Elliot must have dropped somewhere and my purse was the nearest collector. Not remembering where he dropped them, either the floor or somewhere else, I decided a tiny bit of blueberry puffs couldn't harm me, and hopefully freshen my mouth just a little. No such luck. The smell of chicken salad and sweet onion kettle chips were still present on my breath. Checking my apprence one last time, I took off my jacket and went inside.
The office was almost bare. I stood at the receptionist window, looking at an empty chair. When I came in, there was a young lady in a man's office. I couldn't hear what they were speaking about, but I figured she was being interviewed. Turns out she was the receptionist. She handed me an application, and told me to place my resume in the back. As I sat down, she said something to the man and left. Once I finished writing everything down and scanning over the application, the man from the office called me. I figured this was Michael, the hiring manager, who the girl I spoke with last night told me I would be meeting with. He was much more than a hiring manager. This was the CEO of the damn company! I've never met a CEO of anything. Still, my basket remained empty of eggs.
The interview was extremely brief, mainly a "who are you and what are you about?" interview. He asked me questions different from what I had prepare myself for, but some of my answers still applied. He told me more of the company, and what they do. When I was looking up the firm on careerbuilder, I thought my interview was for entry level sales. Michael told me this was for management. What the hell? I had no experience in that field, except stories of not so great managers. He told me there would be a training session, which calmed me down a little. Towards the end, he asked if all of this sounded interesting. I never had anyone interviewing me ask if the position was for me. They just assumed that since I filled out an application or sent a resume, I desparately needed the job. I couldn't turn this down, even though everything still didn't seem crystal clear. Immediately, I was told I could come in for a second interview, which would be much more different than the first. This involves me shadowing someone for the day.
On the way home, I thought over his questions and my answers, and concluded I can speak out of my ass fluently. I wonder if he caught my nervousness by how I used my hands to help support my answers. I arrived at Jeff's house half an hour later to discover Elliot drinking out of his bottle in the play pen. I expected him to be asleep. He had just woken up. I told Jeff about the interview, and he still said he doesn't think I'd like sales. I somewhat shrugged it off. I don't think I would like it either, but I said there would be training involved, and I'd see how it goes Monday. Monday could be the day I decide that this isn't for me. Who knows. Afterwards, we went to Kroger where I happily bought beef jerky nuggets. I love beef jerky, can't explain it. Then we came back to my house where we spend the next couple of hours spending quality time with each other, eating chili, and watching our son become Mozart on the Step and Play.
About an hour ago, I sent a text to my best friend, remembering she had an interview the other day on the same street I was on today. She told me the place was the one and the same, yet the end results were different. They decided to pass on her. I felt bad and confused. What did this CEO see in me? I have no idea, but we'll see on Monday.
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