I didn't go to the second interview. I couldn't make the decision on my own, so I prayed. He told me that I am to be somewhere else. And this morning everything else came in to place as to why I made my decision not to go. First, it's sales. I've heard nothing but bad things about sales. I suppose it's one of those things where some people can do it, and others can't. I'm in the latter. And I searched deep down to try to find some crumb of courage to do it, and nothing was there. Also, I was not told what the pay was, but being sales, I would think it's based off of commission. I'd like to have a base pay. I told Jeff my reasoning this morning, and I thought he'd be a little peeved since we need to get out of our houses already. But he was okay with it, mainly because he had to turn down jobs for valid reasonings.
Guilt is peeking over my shoulder, and I sometimes look back at it. Should I feel guilty? Perhaps not, because though these are trying times, and a job/career is a MUST (at least some way to bring home the bacon), I personally can not be at a job where I know I'll will be miserable from the very start.
After sending an email to the firm saying that I've decided to move on, a fire lit under me. I immediately went to careerbulider.com, and craigslist.com. On craigslist, I found two jobs that I felt I could excelled at. Two doesn't seem like a lot, but honestly I was kind of rushing to get out of the house so we could run some errands. First, we went to the Neighborhood Place, where we had enough points to get some diapers. Last time, there weren't a lot of diapers, but this time we got two packages and some more diaper rash relief cream. Thank God Elliot hasn't had diaper rash *knocks on wood* but we put the cream on him anyways to prevent it. Even if that doesn't prevent it, it's just a habit to put it on him after he's pooped or taken a bath.
Next we went to a chiropractic office where I could drop off my resume to either be an assistant, or help with the front desk. I don't remember because the craigslist post was from a few weeks ago, and I didn't see it when I looked for it this morning. However, I called before going and the woman said that "he" (I'm guessing the main doctor) was still hiring. On the front entrance the office hours were posted, and if I get this job, I could work with it. Mon., Wed., and Thur.: 9-6, Tues.: closed, Fri.: 9-5 and Sat.: 8-12. Normally I wouldn't want to work after 5pm, and I definitely would not want to do Saturdays, but the fire that had lit underneath me this morning also burned the "Just say no to Saturdays" mentality.
From there we went to the second place which was a little bit confusing. I found their website, and it looked as though they store RVs, boats and such. Once we got there and I finally found who I was suppose to ask for, it looked like it was apart of a cave tour. In the end, I believe I was right, that it is a place that stores RVs, etc. The woman said the owner(s) would return from out of town next week, and would review applications. So here's hoping to either one of these, or a completly different job that I had apply to earlier.
Ending the three biggest tasks of the day, Jeff and I were hungry so we decided to think outside the bun (that's Taco Bell if that didn't resonate). Last time I went over board and spent more money than I should have. But I did well, spending only $3.90, which bought me a XXL Chalupa and a Cheesey Potato Burrito. I highly recommend the XXL Chalupa, though limit how many times you buy them. I dared not to look at the calories.
Before we left the house, Jeff commented that I looked good in the jeans I was wearing. It had been the first time in over a year that I wore jeans. And I had gotten these jeans from a thrift store for only $3.95. I didn't recognize the brand right away, but I think I've seen them in Target. Anyways, Jeff said that he should had looked for some pants there. So after getting our bellies full, we went to the thrift store.
I'm not sure what store occupied this space before, but it left a big hole to be filled with used, yet great finds. I immediately went back to the jeans, but decided one should be sufficent for now. I am, after all, still madly deeply in love with sweats. I then turned my attention to the dress pants, and lazily searched through them, thinking a pair would be good for interviews. But I already have a good fitting pair. Usually I'm not big on dresses, but I've found that I looke decent in them with leggings. I found a nice dress, my size, yet a price I was iffy on. It was only $5.95, but I guess I was uneasy with it, comparing it to the price of my jeans. I held on to it, positive it was going home with me. I then turned my attention to Elliot, hoping I could find something for him. Unfortunately, I didn't, at least not in his size. At the end of the aisle, I saw Jeff holding up a hand held vaccuum, something I've been wanting for a couple of days now. My hair sheds a lot, and ends up on the floor, and instead of pulling out a big bulky vaccuum, I figured a hand held one would do the trick. We leave with me buying the dress and vaccuum, and Jeff buying a Casio drum machine. Originally I thought it was Elliot, but being the big kid that he is, the drum machine is for Jeff. It's okay, our son has plenty of toys to play with.
The rest of our evening was pretty neutral. We ate, Elliot didn't want to go to sleep but was clearly sleepy, and watched the same shows. Now it's my "me time" with the last two Jelly Belly Flops in my mouth. Except for the black licorice ones. Gross. I'm debating on either fixing some iced coffee, or just plain water. Might have to flip a coin on that.
Well that's on for now. Good night.
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