Saturday, June 11, 2011

Do You Solemnly Swear To Keep It In Your Pants?

Article first published as Do You Solemnly Swear To Keep It In Your Pants? on Technorati.

Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York announced to the country that it was he who leaked a lewd photo of himself to his Twitter account. For a week, Weiner had denied any involvement of this embarrassment, and claimed a hacker was the culprit. He also admitted to carrying online relationships with women other than his wife. Occasionally, a politician in this situation would resign, or even separate from his wife. Weiner is doing neither, and I say good for him.

John Edwards, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Sanford, and Arnold Schwarzenegger all had extramarital affairs, and of these men, there were marriage separations, resignations, and divorce. Yet a few presidents can’t escape from this list. Though these affairs were done privately, why is it that we place politicians under a very public microscope when they are uncovered? It is their private business, and if it is discovered, then let him and his family deal with it. They had affairs behind closed doors, now let them handle it behind closed doors.

It is fair to bring the affair into light when campaign or other government funds have been used to cover up the affair, such as former Sen. John Edwards. People opened up their wallets and check books to donate millions of dollars for Edward’s campaign in 2008 because they believed in him. They envisioned him as America’s future leader. However, they did not envisioned their money used as a cover for his sexual misconducts. Edward’s betrayed not only his wife’s trust, but his supporters.
It is a private matter between these politicians and their families, and whether the husband and wife decide to stay together and work things out or separate is their decision alone. Private citizens wouldn’t want their lives placed on public display, and neither do politicians.
These affairs and leaked photo shouldn’t become a liability to the work these men are expected to perform. I could care less if they carried extramarital affairs every night as long as they don’t use taxpayer’s money to cover it up and they still have the people’s interest and issues at heart. I don’t condone cheating on spouses or loved ones, but it is not my business especially when it involves a politician outside of my home state. It seems as though Americans have become so bored with their own lives that they have to see what is going on in someone else’s and showcase it to the country.

Again, I say good for Rep. Anthony Weiner for not resigning, nor separating from his wife. His photo has nothing to do with serving the people of New York, and if he and his wife decide to separate, then let them separate privately. The oaths these politicians take states nothing about who they see outside of their marriage. Strip away their title, and you will see that they are and have been men. Men who broke the sacred vows of marriage. Let them feel guilty all on their own, America. And if they don’t feel guilty,then mind your own business.

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